The first two films stank. The only part of either film I truly enjoyed was that of the lightsaber battle with Darth Maul in Ep.1; everything else was boring pap (George even admits as much). So the news that Episode three was everything that Id longed for in the first two (according to Kevin Smith at least) was welcomed but I was still dubious. Then, the present dotcom announced that it would treat all staff to a free viewing of Ep.3 (with buffet thrown in) on the 26th. A free buffet. A free cinema viewing to a film I almost have to see (having committed to watching five of the six). Cinema within walking distance of a few beer-selling restaurants. Outing planned on the night of my penultimate day. How could I refuse? The irony is that Im now actually looking forward to it which means that Ill hate the film and my prophecy of wasting another 2 hours of my life will come true. Still. Free buffet.
You have been reading Star Wars Episode 3 which was posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2005.
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