Phew! Well, its done. I emailed my current boss to say that I've decided its time to move on. He fained death (via heart attack) on receipt of the mail but was generally okay about it. We'll be meeting tomorrow, no doubt, to discuss my period of notice. Actually, not fifteen minutes later my good buddy Paul did the same. I had no idea he was planning on making the move and nor, similarly, did he of me. From the hushed chat Paul and I had at the end of the day it sounds like he's going somewhere amazing and Im really made up for him; he was under appreciated at this place - the man's a genius. Girlfriend Clare says I should be just as excited about my new role; I see her point but his induction is in Seattle for Christ's sake! Anyways, its beautiful outside now - the late afternoon sun is peeking through a few clear white clouds. Is it coincidence?
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